Tuesday, September 15, 2009

chinese cuisine reka cendiri

nih resepi buat sendiri.. main tabur jek wat nih.. hahaha

  • memula..potong ayam kecik2 cenni.... ikut la berapa org nk mkn...saye wat nih tuk 4 org mkn yek...
  • potong la bwg putih, bwg besar (kalu guna bwg holland lg sedap..), dan gajus .
  • nih cili kering siap2 potong, rendam lam air.. nnt buang biji2 dia tuh masa basuh...
  • memula.. goreng le gajus tuh tanpa minyak...pastu kuarkan
  • masuk skit minyak masak @ butter, gorengkan ayam td sampai masa @ brownish...dan keluarkan
  • tumiskan bwg puting. bwg besar nagn cili kering td...
  • masuk plak sos tiram, kicap masin n kicap manis,kalo tambah kicap pekat lg lawa...tambah skit sos cili tuk pekat kan..nk spicy lg ikot korg le nk ltak ap janji pedaass!ngeh3.
  • masuk lak air skit...pastu, masukkan gajus n ayam td...kacau3....
  • siappp.....


time boring2 tu kami layan jer dgn nasi goreng sempoi nie.... erggggggg.... kenyang terus nyandor sambil gosok perut memasing... Laughing Laughing

Tomato French Toast

My favorite Breakfast

Roti (dipotong separuh)
Telur 4 biji (ikut suka....)
Bawang besar 1 biji
Cili merah 1 biji
Tomato 1 biji
Herba Oregano (kalau mau lah....)
Garam & lada sulah secukup rasa

* Potong semua bahan nipis2 supaya mudah melekat pada roti.
* Pukul telur dan masukkan smua bahan2 di atas
* Rendamkan roti ke dalam telur
* Panaskan minyak, masukan roti dan kecilkan api

Sedap kalau dimakan dengan Sos cili.... Selamat mencuba.....

Nak share cara pakai selendang

1) Pinkan selendang. Pastikan sebelah pendek & sebelah lagi panjang seperti dalam gambar.

2) Tarik bahagian panjang selendang ke belakang.

3) Lilit di atas kepala.

4) Sematkan selebihnya di bawah dagu dengan kemas.

5) Tarik bahagian pendek selendang dan pinkan ke belakang/ tepi untuk menampakkan 'v' shape.

6) TaRRaaaa!!~~ dah siappp!!

Girl Or Boy kuat Cemburu?

Perempuan dan Lelaki siapa paling kuat rasa cemburu..?

Coz along relationship ngan my dear kureng pulak rasa cemburu..coz i m alwys understnd for him..dgn study dy, ngan ramai gurlfrensnye,life ngan membe2 dy saye still bleh control perasaan tu..dunnolah..ehehh

Tapi org kata CEMBURU itu Tandanye SAYANG..betoi kew fakta dalm kes saye nie mcmner..yelah saye xrasa feelin over cemburu tu but of coz lew saye syg dia kn?tp yg makes me keep wondering kan,dy pown mcm xkesh jew?aik,patung ke pakwe aq neyh?!ngeh3.or dy cam saye?or dy ego nk tnjuk or tell?OR..mmg im mean nothin 2 him..haiksss..berlambak lg gal 4 him kowt..yes?

9 akal 1 nafsu VS 9 nafsu 1 akal

kita selalu dengarkan org selalu kata yang lelaki ni ada 9 akal n 1 nafsu n wanita lak 9 nafsu n 1 akal......
so kat cni i think lelaki alwayz bernafsu dengan menggunakan 9 akalnya.. Smiley
wanita plak walau pun full of nafsu tp masih boleh mengawalnya dengan 1 akalnya.. Tongue
heheheh..tu je nk ckap so renung-renungkan n camat beramal sume...!!wink3..

When Girls Cry..?

If a girl cries in front of u,
It means that she couldnt take it anymore.

If u take her hand,
she would stay with u for the rest of ur life.

If u let her go, she couldnt go back to
being herself anymore.

A gurl won’t cry easily,
except in front of the person whom she
loves the most,
she becomes weak.

A gurl wont cry easily,
only when she love u the most,
she put down her ego.

IM UPSET but im NOT GONNA BE just like b4 but its OK in my head will be the words, AIM NOT GONNA BE OK!...But 4 u..i'll FAKE the smile..;(

always be.. U know who U r

i just like u the way u are…
I like u the way u make jokes…
I just like the way u tell stories..
I like u the way u cherish my day…
I just love to see how plain are u..
I just love to see how decent are u…
I just love to see how clumsy are u..
I like the way u smile…
I just love to see ur face in the sunlight..
I just love the way u react with my tease..
…how mad are u with me…
I know I shouldn’t say this..
but…I just want to say it..
The day I saw ur gloomy face...
The day which i wish u shared wit me..the bitter in ur heart..the sweetness in your day…
I wish I could be part of ur feelings…
So I could feel how u felt..
So I can feel ur pain..
At that very moment..
I wish…
I’m the one..
I hope…
I’m the one..
To be the companion of ur life..
Its not because of sadness u show..
Its just u..
And I just love u the way u are..
There is nothing bout u I would change…
Coz..u are u..
U make urself the real u…’

Siapa suka “A bad boy” ?

Sapa suke lelaki ‘bad boy’? …well to answer, RAMAI!alottt!

Tapi, Nama pun dah BAD boy, obvious la maknanya dia adalah seorang budak jahat! Budak Lelaki yang tidak disukai ramai, lelaki yang pasti selalu dilarang ibubapa untuk dijadikan boyfriend. Lelaki yang membuatkan gals selalu frust!

BUT DEN, y ramai gle wanita get attracted dengan lelaki perangai ala “bad boy” from look and life style ni? Bagi diz woman, bad boy ni kira susah untuk mereka prevent, dan apabila kenal je, akan tersangkut, suka dan tergila-gila kan mereka. Pelik tak?

Lelaki baik, gentleman selalunya dianggap membosankan. Dull, not exciting enough. Terlalu biasa relationship tu nanti. Dan ada pula yang suka memberi tarbiah tidak mengira tempat dan waktu, lagi lah wanita-wanita ini menyampah!well,ekcely its gud if tarbiah dorg good 4 kita ayte?

masok blik topik td.....ngeh3

Being a bad boy, doesn’t mean you kena jadi BAD. NO! Just be sort of bad at what you saying, nakal dengan perangai you, being naughty here and there. Bend the rules sometmes :) oppss…Be ‘bad boy’ TAPI hati kena good beb…

is He or is He Not?

Bila kite berada in a reltnship that so called, “friendship” tidak boleh tidak…perasaan kita mesti akan mengusik di jiwa kita, dengan memberi 1 q…

“Is he or is he not?” …or bermaksud, adakah dia yang kita sayangi dan cintai ATAU tidak?

Its vise versa lah, “is she or is she not?” So, it makes us wonder…and wonder sepanjang perkenalan itu. Malah everytime kita habis je berbual dengan dia on the phone, atau selepas berchatting berjam-jam dengan dia. Kita jadi curious, pelik dan wondering is he/she’s the one?

Kita tahu… kita ni berkawan je dengan dia…kita ni baru berkenalan…tetapi, serasi betul! It’s like dah kenal lama. Malah kita boleh berbual apa saja dengan dia, tak boring langsung! Cara dia melayan kita pun CARING sangat….mesra sangat seolah-olah kitalah yang disayanginya, sedangkan cinta tidak pernah terucap…

Hanya dalam sekejap masa sahaja, kita mula membahasakan dirinya “Sayang” bukan sengaja…. tetapi secara spontan dan langsung tidak disengajakan. Kita jadi mudah memanggil dia, Sayang… Sayang… sampai satu ketika, kita sendiri berkata, “Aihh…sedap je I panggil you Sayang, kan?”

Dia pulak, tak komen apa sebaliknya, setiap kali kita memanggilnya “Sayang!”, aihh menjawap pulak dia, “Ya…” bagai mengiakan perhubungan yang sudah melangkah ke satu tahap lain… between friend and lover…

Itu yang membuatkan kita tertanya-tanya tu,kan?! Kegeraman keseorangan, kebingungan dengan persoalan, “Is he/she OR Is he/she NOT?!”

Adakah dia impian kita? Adakah dia yang bakal mencintai kita? Adakah dia yang bakal menjadi kekasih yang amat kita sayangi? Adakah dia? ATAU adakah TIDAK?

For sure kita wish to have a caring and loving person dengan kita as our lover or soul mate…BUT cuba you fahami my quote ni,

“Being with a CARING person is good enough, because LOVE is about caring!”

p.s : To the muncet dear that I care enough offshore, in a state of under the cold breeze… (~.^)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Inikah yang dinamakan cinta pandang pertama?

Katakanlah YA.

Aritu naik train blik from ipoh.aduss.. sebagai bukti anak yang solehah dan gf yang tak suka menyusahkan bf yg bz gle or mmg xkesah kowt??ish2,xbaek ad bad thought.. Ya, naiklah tren yang pernah menang award kemudahan awam paling lembab eheh sukati jer.

Nak dijadikan cerita masa tengah tunggu train , tiba-tiba ada 2 mamat kat belakang tetiba buat siri Jejak Kasih pulak. Daripada suara MACAM hensem (cewah malu la nak toleh belakang usha hensem ke tak kan) sorang Indian sorang lagi Chinese. potpetpotpet diorang sembang saye pun dok tunggu train sambil betulkan hndbeg di bahu yang gila berat sambil mengenangkan nasib gila sedih kena bwak beg berat..isk3



TIBA-TIBA mamat cina tu panggil saye? eh tak la dia taktau nama saye,SAYE ; dia panggil hai miss boleh tolong amek gambar tak?

Kira macam tak nampak gatal lar kan kalau saye pandang pemilik suara yang macam hensem tu kan? kan?




we were together eh NO NO WE ARE NOT YET TOGETHER. we were in the same train sampai BTR. then saye kena naik CAB pulak sedih sedih dah kena berpisah bukan slalu nak jumpa CHINESE yang hensem.



SAYE satu cab lagi dengan dia.

OH TUHAN mungkinkah INI JODOH?

hakhak. duduk lagi.yeah im sitting..

sebelah each other.

pandang dia. (ish3 gatal saye)


lutut longgar untuk kesekian kali.

sampai katne ntah.

dan dia turun.

sebelum turun.

dia pandang.

dan senyum.

dan saye macam; HAI MY NAME IS #*+. MASIH SINGLE. NO TALIPON 019123 okay okay tipu tipu. hahahaaa

Saye mesti le senyum habis manis weyh. senyum nampak lesung pipit x,braces..hahahah xkesah la kan??

hmm. lepas tu fikir-fikir balik.

jap jap mungkin tak dia ingat Saye ni Cina Muslim.

hahaha. terasa loser.

okay taaa.

much love,
SAYE,melaporkan dari kg jawa totok..hehe

p/s:tq.saye sayang dear!oleh itu sila sayangi saye juga!=D *tetibe*

untuk shopping addicts.

ketahuilah sesungguhnya shopping itu dadah.

tak bagus sebenarnya bila seseorang tu jadi addicted to shopping. apatah lagi jika seseorang itu perempuan. sbb anda tau ar kan perempuan bernafsu 9 berakal 1. dan bertambah tak bagus campur bahaya darab dangerous bila perempuan tu menjadikan shopping sebagai penawar ececey penawar tuuu..haha kepada kekecewaan... kira macam shopping utk tutup lara hati ler. konon macam nak happykan diri dengan berbelanja sakan.

oh ketahuilah sayang sayang di luar sana. itu sungguh/paling/ter/super merbahaya.


tak percaya try ar. masa tengah shopping tu kalau remaja skang kata oh gila heaven ah. kalau orang kelantan kata uh ambo berehi sengoti haha okay tipu. masa balik dari shopping teruja lagi, teruja nak try balik baju baru seluar baru bra baru pun nak try jugak Ya Allah wanita wanita ini!

tapi at the end of the day, lepas penat penat fashion show. baring atas katil. then masa tu dalam hati anda akan tertanya sendiri.

happy ke aku?

masa tu anda rasa makin sunyi. makin sendiri. makin sepi.

dan anda buat lagi. anda shopping lagi. anda terus dan terus shopping tanpa henti. sbb anda rasa takpe la walaupun tak happy sangat tapi happy jugakkk. at least ada sikit rasa HAPPY.ngeh3

okay. ngaku,ngaku saye lah watak utama bagi cerita di atas. hahaha tapi itu dululah masa mula mula masuk 1st n 2nd year hehehehe now dah okay.

eh now dah sedar shopping tu dadah tapi belum back to normal .sekarang macam masih hantu shopping yg setiap kali masuk 1 kedai kat mall ni mesti rasa nak terkam semua baju baju dia. plus bile tgh sale!wohoo..baju dia cgt memenuhi citarasa remaja aku Ya Allah macam setiap kali keluar mesti singgah kedai tu. dah singgah mesti usha baju berkenan. dah jumpa berkenan mesti tenung,amek n try baju baju berkenan setiap satu.

tapi semenjak dua menjak ni, saye tenung je le baju tu sambil telan air liur pastu geleng geleng kepala sambil atur langkah keluar laju laju dan cakap kuat kuat pada diri sendiri


okay saye tengah nak berubah. berbelanja.bila.perlu.sahaja.

anda juga mampu berubah.

dan doakan saye betul betul berubah.

jom la kita berubah! *hahaha tetiba~

will I ever get married? hmmm.

hello. mari mendengar ceritera kahwin saya.
kejam2 dahlah tag paksa pulak tu jawab. haha saye kanak kanak lagi belum layak cerita pasal kawin laa.

1. how old are you?
2009-1989 = mude. haha

2. are you single?
I'm difficult. and boys; they don't really wanna date a difficult girl like me, no?

3. at what age do you think you'll get married?

once i met someone who can accept my hodohness. and who will sekeh my head whenever i make stupid jokes/faces/sounds/mistakes. comelnya. hakhak okay okay serious.. hmmm. once i found someone who can help me understand myself better. that's when. i am difficult, remember?dear,is dat u??wuhuu..

4. do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now?
destiny, it can be unpredictable sometimes. you may be sooo deeply in love with a loverboi-pakcik-muncet today, but how that can offer you a promising future? eh cakap macam boifren tu btoi2 nk kat kite jew..wuhuuuu

5. if not, who do you want to marry?

manusia se-cool dan se-cold ini. ish?cane my dear leh transform neyh?!isk3,letak goatee cket,rmbut ketak2 la,spek lg!mata ngantok2 cket..emm n pimple2 of coz..muwaaahh!haikss..

6. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
datuk siti n laki dy..haha

7. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
wait haaaa. hmmm garden macam comelllll. beach macam angin sepoi sepoi. traditional macam klasikk. ah xtaw2 penin nak pilih hakhak

8. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
alah,ad mase kew honey kat moon???

9. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
i'll invite you. that's for sure. so jangan risau.

10. will that include your exes?
why not?come2 babeh.opppsss =p

11. how many layers of cake do you want?
satu sudah. tinggi tinggi tak comel.(bajet lari ekcely)hakhak

12. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
sebelum subuh.leh tido ayam jap..haha.

13. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
alamak..suke alot lagu..lagu raye leh?? (-.-'')

14. do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork? knife?
kalau boleh nak makan dlm talam. 1 talam 6 orang. wargh3..

15. champagne or red wine?
red sirap.

16. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
takmo honeymoon boleh? maluuuuuuu hahaha

17. money or household items

18. how many kids would you like to have?
tak kisah janji twins. comelnye muka sama pakai baju sama kasut sama rambut ikat tocang dua sama pastu pening mana satu Sofeya mana satu Safiya. huhu siap dah pikir nama. hahaha

19. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
which episode of honeymoon? haha.

20. whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
anyone who reads this crap. hey if you read this and you ignore the order, you will in two minutes turn into a frog. haa takut x takut x hahaha

haha tammy mesti menyesal tag saye. sorry, saye memang tak pandai jawab q dgn cemerlang. kan dear kan??hee=)

if only you wanna touch me too.

suka lagu yang my frens tak suka :D my dear hney camne lak???hakhak

don't get annoyed :D

I never thought that I was so blind

I can finally see the truth
It's me for you

Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side
'cause it's never gonna be the truth
so far for you

But can you hear me say
Don't throw me away
there's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
Everyday, but all I have is time
Our love's a perfect crime

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

I take everything that I know you'll break
and I give my life away so far to you

Can you hear me say
don't throw me away
There's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday, but all I have is time
Our love's a perfect rhyme

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

Tonight I see it's just another day without you
That I can't sleep
I give it away, away all for you too
Hear me say, don't throw me away
There's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow
All I wanna do is touch you

grow up kiddo!heheheheee..
ps. selamat berpuasa. jaga hati telinga mata. dan kata-kata.ouh..oso ur hands!!

facing the fact, I am.

You see baby you can't always get you want, for what you have now is more than enough.

Believe me when I say obstacles make your life beautiful. and when I say you are wonderful

beautiful lyrics.

I am a honey bee
Shunned off from the colony
And they won’t let me in
So I left the hive
They took away all my stripes
And broke off both my wings
So I’ll find another tree
And make the wind my friend
I’ll just sing with the birds
They’ll tell me secrets of the world

But my other honey bee
Stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
But my darling honey bee
I’ll come save you
Even if it means I’ll have to face the queen

So I come prepared
My new friends say they would help me
Get my loved one back
They say it isn’t right
The bees have control of your mind
But I choose not to believe that
So we’ll meet in the darkness of the night
And I’ll promise I will be there on time
We’ll be guided by my new friends the butterflies
Bring us back to our own little hive

Oh my other honey bee
No longer stuck where he doesn’t wanna be
Oh my darling honey bee
I have saved you
And now that you’re with me
We can make our own honey

based on my observation.

(versi menjelang Aidilfitri)

1. Kagum dengan lelaki tegar teman awek shopping raya. macam tengah-tengah lautan perempuan angkat-belek-cuba-letak balik kasut tiba-tiba ada lelaki tegar itu. *kagum dengan ikhlas* sayang plak bz jew,huhuh btw,xpelah yerkk..i noe he love me though!

2. Sg. Wang/Times Square banyak budak-budak sekolah. orang kata budak baru nak naik. dan pakai pelik-pelik. (bukan semua)

3. Tudung petak cantik-cantik dah tak banyak dijual sejak orang gila pakai selendang macam Yuna. =( ini menyedihkan kerana aku dah bertekad tak pakai selendang. *atas alasan kemalasan*

4. Kebaya mungkin memang tidak dijual untuk orang senipis aku.ngeh3..

5. Mungkin perlu cari seorang sugar daddy dan mengada-ngada mintak belikan purse raya dan jam raya. salahkan FOSSIL tak buat sale.

6. Abaikan statement nombor 5. eh tapi birthday aku bakal kunjung tiba (yeah!hehehe), orang kata kecik tapak tangan nyiru hamba tadahkan. nak kasik boleh juga hahaha cantiknyaaaa suka fossil sangat sangattt.

7. Oh! juga kagum dengan ibu bapa yg malam-malam pun masih tegar bawak anak-anak kecik/baby redah Jalan Tar/Danau Kota dll.

8. Confuse kalau-kalau lagu raya Kristal - Mensyukuri Aidilfitri boleh dikategorikan sebagai lagu raya. Youtube sekarang juga.

9. Rakyat Malaysia memang agak racist. termasuk ketika membeli-belah. Masuk kedai Cina dan tidak mendapat layanan adalah perkara biasa.

sekian. :D

Do you know what type of person you attract?

from facebook~~

Do you know what type of person you attract? Do you find that the people who gravitate towards you are the people you want to gravitate towards you? Have you ever thought that how you dress, where you eat, and how you take care of yourself has an impact on the type of person you attract? Take this short quiz to see what kind of person you are attracting with your everyday life choices.

This person will drive you to anti-depressants if you hang around them for too long. They will ask you out on a date and you will sit around close to the phone for three hours until they call you and announce that something else came up, but they won't tell you what it is because they "gotta go". This person is very attractive, but the problem is that they know it. Be careful, since this person will say anything to get what they want.

seriously ke..?
huhu is that mean
i should not go out for a date pn with any man..
i should just wait for my mom and dad find one for me..
and then..
get married je..

or maybe..
i should just date someone on phone @ on air je..

nonsense kottt quiz ni..

gaze at heart

Just do reflection,
If you already have a plate of rice ...
Sure that you good to yourself ...
Mengenyangkan, Mengenyangkan,
Why do you delay, trying to find other food ..?
Too want to pursue kelazatan ...
Nasi jadik basi n you can not eat ...

Subsequently,You ...

Similarly, if you have met a human ...
That sure brings ...
GOOD to yourself,
love for u..
Why do you delay?
With ... Try comparisons with other,
Terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN,
Sooner or later ...
Dia jadi milik orang lain,
You also will be MENYESAL ...

p/s: renungkanlah.. sgt2 means! try tafsirkan follow your heart.

If finding a....


Verse 1:
Kisah duka ulang-berulang
Hati luka cinta kecundang
Bagaikan bunga kembang dipuja
Layu dibuang..

Verse 2:
Bercintalah berpada-pada
Usah serah segala
Turutkan hati turutkan rasa
Diri sendiri akan binasa

chorus: chorus:
Demi masa depanmu
Berhati-hati selalu
Kaji asal-usulnya
Jangan sampai terpedaya
Dari kau bercinta-cinta
Baiklah berumahtangga

Kalau mencari teman
Janganlah memandang luaran
Cari yang beriman

(Verse 1)
(Verse 2)

p/s: tiba2 harini TER dgr lagu ni kat tv.. lagu lama, dulu popular kot. rasa mcm ingt2 lupa, sbb lagu ni masa zaman kecik2 lagi.
tapi lirik dy.. ada pengajaran behind laa...hmm~


1. Strength of thought

Luv starts from our mind. Thinking bout d ideal match dat u wanna noe will help u recognize him, when u finally meet the rite people are.

2. Strength to respect

u can not luv some1 or wuteva if u do not respect them dear..Da 1st person u should respect is urself. To get the feeling of respect 4 others, even from people u do not like, we should ask themselves. "What I respect in them? "

3. Strength to give

If u wanna receive luv, u mesti able to give first. The more luv u give, the more u will dapat.Blaja to make various kinds of benefits.Secret formula for the relationship 4 cheerful, full of love, and eternal is always think "What can I give?" And not what will I be? ".but jaga body okay gals!!

4. Strength of friendship

To find true love, you must find true friends first. Mksud saye,u love each other but looking
forward, with more meaning - the same look to a destination. Totally love for someone, you should love his personality, not physical.Sebab t dah tue,xmacho so??cari laen ea?or if laki kite tu dh xd money,lari plak?ngeh3..dats y lah gals..=P
Friendship is da soil where da seeds of love can grow. Kalo u nak bring luv into a relationship, u must first create friendships.leceh rr plak..heheh

5. Strength of touch

Touch is 1 of the most powerful expression of luv,huiyoooo..watchout gals!
destroy the wall dividing n uniting relationship. Touch wat kita rase more able to luv da vibration ekcely.Tapi Islam forbids us brush-touch ayte???jgn terlbih gatai..huhuh(~.^)

6. Strength to release

"If u love some1, let him. If he returns to u, then he is urs. If not, then he will never be urs.Tp,if c dy dtg bile dy broke cane lak ea?ngeh3..dh susah baru ingt kite yerk?! Even in the love relationship, a person need space for themselves. If we want to learn to love, we must first learn to forgive and forget the bad past and distress our hearts. Love means releasing fear, distrust, and ego. "Today I am releasing all feel takutku, the past will not be able mempengaruhiku-day is a new sheet for my life".

7. Strengths in communication

When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, then life changed.Ktorg pown baru je diskas2 but stil,he actng weird..huhuh.help2.

Love someone means to communicate with it. Let people know u luv dat uu luv n appreciate. Never delay the opportunity to cakap kat dia. Always leave someone you love with words - the word friendly, coz it may be da last day u can see it. For example, if you will die, but given the opportunity to call someone you love, who will phone you, what would you say ... and why you now ...

8. Strength of commitment

If u wanna get that abundant love, u should be able to create commitment, and commitment will be reflected in the mind and tindakan. Commitment is the true love test. If u want to have a relationship of love, you must be faithful
dengan hubungan korang tu. When u are committed to a binding, non-stop love is an option. Komitmenlah that distinguish the relationship between the crumbly, with a strong relationship.but da prob ere,dia xnk komitmen..myb dy takut but he said dy nk achieve u noe guys..OMG!long way to go lg neyh..yep i can wait but dy ni not jnis wat saye secure!he said dat!!camne saye nk tggu if couple ngan dy mean kita amek risk 4 being dump!but i LOVE him..camner??saye ximportnt kat dy.....should i go?shouldn't i?? is sooo unfair but,HE knows better rite??huhuh


9. Strength from being sufficiently

Rase pecaye slalu jadi komponen penting dlm suatu hubungan.Xde believe, a person leh jadik suspicious, anxious, n takut n others will feel trapped and the emotional jadi tertekan. You can not love someone until you believe in a strong manner also. Be like - will relate to people that you love will not end. One way to find out if someone is true - true to you, fragile in yourselves "What I am correct - true believing wholeheartedly?" If the answer is "no", then you must think with the depth before you make that commitment with more .

wat is d ending of mine?????i really do love u do u kan?